Hello, and thank you for visiting my site. I hope that you'll return often and always find something of interest about my world and what inspires me to pick up a pen. (This is a figure of speech, unfortunately. My handwriting is terrible!) Here's what I've been up to recently...
Advice for authors
I was very happy to contribute to Debbie Emmitt’s blog, which you can read here. https://www.debbie-emmitt.com/how-authors-of-books-set-in-france-overcome-challenges-in-their-words/?fbclid=IwAR2rcZVveVaQF4dVGp1hjRHtvGIKvpX-wA5YhRKL6EhKYsyPhaf6QwN6QO8
The advice referred to the research I did when writing my long novel ‘Shadows of the Past’ and is reproduced below:
‘Shadows of the Past’ and, even more so, its prequel ‘Foreshadowing’, have a large autobiographical element to them and were a real labour of love to write.
9 February, 2024 - Make the first comment on this story
Despite the wishful photo of Maggie the Viking above, created by a wonderful Facebook app, 2024 is definitely going to be a time to look forward rather than back. Long cherished plans include bringing out a new book, essentially a memoir about a glorious summer spent ‘riding the Dog*’ across the USA. Scary moments such as being mobbed on the New York subway and chased out of a brothel in El Paso were amply compensated for by the camaraderie experienced along the way and the warm hospitality offered by many different American families and individuals.
*The Dog in question being the wonderful Greyhound Bus Line
3 January, 2024 - Make the first comment on this story
A story for Christmas
By a very happy coincidence. this came out yesterday on my birthday and it can also be found in today’s issue of Love Sunday (Sunday People).
Originally written as a story for children, a few tweaks made it appropriate for all ages. Who hasn’t dreamed of an unexpected windfall when money is tight? That it was very well deserved in this case is, I think, a bonus. Honesty was definitely the best policy for struggling young mum Daisy and even the villain of the piece came good in the end.
Merry Christmas, everyone!
24 December, 2023 - Make the first comment on this story
Back to school!
21 September, 2023 - Make the first comment on this story
Research recognised
Having done a lot of research for my latest writing project, I was very pleased when Val Penny decided to feature it on her blog. You can read it here. What a Summer That Was! (Writing Research) by Maggie Cobbett (valpenny.com)
31 August, 2023 - Make the first comment on this story
Writers’ Narrative
The demise of Writers’ Forum left a gap in the market that this new emagazine is attempting to fill.
How successful it will be remains to be seen, but I’m happy to have an article on ‘filler’ writing included in the first issue.
At the moment, Writers’ Narrative is available from Amazon for £1.99, but the aim is to make it free to download.
31 July, 2023 - Make the first comment on this story
Good news!
For one thing, I’m back on my feet, although still having to take it easy. A slow plod is the best I can manage so far, but I’m working on that. It’s wonderful to be fit enough to resume normal activities, including meetings of Ripon Writers’ Group and Write-On! Ripon. (The latter group, following the much regretted closure of Ripon’s Curzon cinema, now meets at the Claro Lounge in the Market Place.)
Secondly, with Swanwick Writers’ Summer School 2023 only a few week’s away now, I’m delighted to have come second in an associated competition. Prolific crime author Val Penny and her publishers Spellbound Books set the challenge to write a story with the theme of revenge. Mine, set around a baffling murder in Amsterdam, has given me £100 off the cost of my place at this year’s School.
Amsterdam holds many fond memories for me and I was a great fan of the original Van der Valk television series with the late Barry Foster, both of which influenced the story.
There is also a Whitby connection and a nod to singer John Leyton, who provided inspiration for one of the main characters. Who of my generation could forget his haunting rendition of ‘Johnny, remember me’?
12 July, 2023 - Make the first comment on this story
Poetry reading at Boroughbridge Library
This was my first visit to Boroughbridge Library, which is wholly run by the community nowadays.
The main part of the evening was taken up by York Radio’s poet laureate Olivia Mulligan (below), but Nicky, Sudip and I from the Write-On! Ripon group were also invited to read some of our work to a small but appreciative audience.
22 April, 2023 - Make the first comment on this story
Writing challenges
Here dead we lie because we did not choose
To live and shame the land from which we sprung.
Life, to be sure, is nothing much to lose;
But young men think it is, and we were young.
In the style of Ian Macmillan
So we’ve kicked t’ bucket
And does tha want ter know why?
Cos we wasn’t conchies
And nooan were gonna ‘and us white feathers
Or call Yorksher lads shirkers
We got usselves organised
Joined t’Pals and off we set for France
Us mothers wept o’ course
But they was proud. Us fathers too.
We’d come back ‘eroes, or so we thought,
Afore we turned nineteen.
It weren’t to be.
Pity really.
10 March, 2023 - Make the first comment on this story
Books and Beverages
3 March, 2023 - Make the first comment on this story