Hello, and thank you for visiting my site. I hope that you'll return often and always find something of interest about my world and what inspires me to pick up a pen. (This is a figure of speech, unfortunately. My handwriting is terrible!) Here's what I've been up to recently...
Oh dear! Summer is really over.
Driving to Leeds in the dark for an early morning call time was a shock to the system after all those sunny mornings, but I was studio based today, working as a customer in the Emmerdale café.
The first scene took a long time to complete and I was seated on my own throughout with a cup of cold coffee in front of me and an old magazine about health issues to pore over. Now I’m much better informed about a number of unpleasant medical conditions that I hope never to experience!
We were filming scenes to be used in different episodes and I next found myself in a different outfit, at a new table and having an animated conversation with another extra. This aspect of my work is trickier than it sounds, because we have to look convincing without making a sound. Microphones these days are so sensitive that even a whisper can ruin a take. (Any background noise needed for a scene is added later on during the editing process.) Even when miming, it’s sometimes difficult to think what to say and I often hope that there aren’t too many lip readers amongst the viewers. When really desperate, some of us have been known to resort to multiplication tables. You can probably imagine the sort of thing:
Extra 1: Seven nines are sixty-three.
Extra 2: You don’t say! Well, nine fives are forty-five, you know.
And so on and so forth!
26 September, 2013 - Make the first comment on this story