Hello, and thank you for visiting my site. I hope that you'll return often and always find something of interest about my world and what inspires me to pick up a pen. (This is a figure of speech, unfortunately. My handwriting is terrible!) Here's what I've been up to recently...
Emmerdale is always full of surprises!
Today was a good example of that. I was on the minibus ferrying our happy band of extras out to the village when the two minute silence fell and it was good to see that everyone observed it.
As episodes are always filmed several weeks ahead, the set was bedecked with Christmas lights and a pretty sight it was too. The weather, however, is still quite mild and it wasn’t until darkness fell and the warm glow provided by the vegetable balti at lunchtime had receded that I was glad of my winter coat, scarf and gloves.
I was paired with Derek, a gentleman I’d never met before, who turned out to be a former member of The Rockin’ Berries and still very active in the music field. Derek had been everywhere and met everyone, including some of the idols of my youth. As we paraded up and down the village street and in and out of the Woolpack, he had many an interesting tale to tell about his glory days. Not all of those tales were repeatable, but you can get the gist from http://www.derekjason.com/about.htm
11 November, 2013 - Make the first comment on this story