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Now is the month of Maying…

… When merry lads are playing. Fa la la la la – or something like that. It’s also the month during which prudent Yorkshire folk ne’er cast a clout and it is indeed, quite chilly today. (OK, I know that the old saying probably refers to the flowering of the hawthorn bush, but many people still hold fast to the view that you can’t trust the weather until 1st June.)

Pagans wouldn’t dream of moving Beltane for the convenience of industry and commerce, but May Day in the UK, unlike most other countries, is now rarely celebrated on the first of the month. Nor do the ‘merry lads’ and their bonny lasses often dance on the village green on that day. Even in Aldborough, the nearest place I know of around here still to have a maypole in situ, has chosen Sunday 12th May for the event this year.

Back in the day, though, every self respecting primary school and many other organisations, large and small, liked to keep up the old traditions. You might like to take a look at my very short story ‘May Day Mayhem’.


1 May, 2013 - Make the first comment on this story

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