Hello, and thank you for visiting my site. I hope that you'll return often and always find something of interest about my world and what inspires me to pick up a pen. (This is a figure of speech, unfortunately. My handwriting is terrible!) Here's what I've been up to recently...

Three month update

Wannabes cover design

It’s getting on for three months now since the launch and I’m pleased to report that sales continue to go well and the book has attracted some very positive reviews. Thanks are definitely due to all those fellow writers who’ve given me the oxygen of publicity through Facebook, Twitter and their own websites and to our local press. A spike in sales has followed each mention and a HUGE one after Kath McGurl was kind enough to feature the book on her wonderful Womag blog. (Link to the right)

I’m particularly happy to have received feedback from readers who’ve already been substantially rewarded for their ‘fillers’, whether with useful amounts of cash or other prizes.

Family circumstances have led to a delay in the publication of a paperback version, but I hope that this will be achieved within the next few weeks. Please watch this space!

4 June, 2014 - There are 4 comments on this story

  1. Thank you so much for this Maggie – I purchased this today and then quickly researched how to convert it so that I could print.

    I have picked up my writing after 20 years and this has helped me to understand what a filler actually is. I am also going to purchase The Oldie and Readers Digest now that I have read your comments about them.

    Please keep these coming I love reading about all you successful writers – maybe people will read about me one day (she hopes)

    I will look out for you on week nights at 7pm 😉


    Cheryl Brazier -

  2. Thank you, Cheryl. I’m often just a blur in the background, but my face does appear sometimes! Good luck with your writing and please let me know how you get on.

    Maggie Cobbett -

  3. Hi Maggie,
    First letter published this week, yaaaaaaay just a little excited!!
    How long until the blockbuster???

    Cheryl Brazier -

  4. Well done, Cheryl! I’m delighted for you. As for the blockbuster, well, I’m still working on that!

    Maggie Cobbett -

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Supporting artists, or ‘extras’ as they’re more commonly known, are the unsung heroes of television and film. Maggie Cobbett recalls the ups and downs of twenty years of ‘blending into the background’.
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The 20th century has just dawned when David is apprenticed to a Yorkshire coal miner. But what of the younger brothers and sister he has been forced to leave behind in their London workhouse? Will he ever see them again?
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