Hello, and thank you for visiting my site. I hope that you'll return often and always find something of interest about my world and what inspires me to pick up a pen. (This is a figure of speech, unfortunately. My handwriting is terrible!) Here's what I've been up to recently...

All Write on the Night!

I’m always happy to run a workshop for other writers and this week saw me doing so ‘in house’ at Ripon Writers’ Group.

The subject  was ‘keys’. I encouraged everyone to explore the different meanings of the word, delve into a box of actual keys for inspiration and then pick up their pens. The first task was to write a few lines about a key selected from the box; the second to write a piece of flash fiction beginning with the words, ‘I turned the key in the lock and was amazed when…”

During the refreshment break, we celebrated Joe’s birthday with cake and (optional) wine. Tea and coffee were on offer as usual. Joe, whose late wife Daphne founded RWG over forty years ago, is our longest standing member and President for life. 

The final task of the evening was to begin work on a longer piece of writing with the focus on a key or keys (in any sense of the word) of particular significance in one’s own life. This could be polished up to submit for publication and/or presented at our next open manuscripts evening.


7 March, 2025 - Make the first comment on this story

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