Hello, and thank you for visiting my site. I hope that you'll return often and always find something of interest about my world and what inspires me to pick up a pen. (This is a figure of speech, unfortunately. My handwriting is terrible!) Here's what I've been up to recently...

A Great New Read!

If you’re looking for a gift for a lover of crime fiction, I can heartily recommend Val Penny’s latest book, published, like her other novels, by SpellBound Books Ltd.

DI Hunter Wilson is looking forward to spending a holiday in India with his girlfriend Dr Meera Sharma, away from the cold, wet winter of Edinburgh. He looks to share his happiness with others when he is attacked by Santa Claus, he says. His team swing into action to catch his attackers but then receive information about an elf found dead in a car park and a car stolen by Mrs Claus. Are the crimes by these Christmas characters connected? Can Hunter’s team restore peace and good will to Christmas?

Hunter’s Christmas and Other Stories includes tales about DI Hunter Wilson and DS Jane Renwick along with those about new and different characters in this gripping collection of short stories especially for crime fiction readers.

The multi-talented Val Penny, American by birth but now happily based in SW Scotland with her husband and cat, has a wide variety of books to her credit and no wonder! Never short of inspiration, this graduate of both Edinburgh and Napier Universities has been amongst other things a hairdresser, waitress, banker, azalea farmer and lecturer.

Val’s books are widely available and she can be contacted through her website http://www.valpenny.com




10 December, 2023 - Make the first comment on this story

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