Hello, and thank you for visiting my site. I hope that you'll return often and always find something of interest about my world and what inspires me to pick up a pen. (This is a figure of speech, unfortunately. My handwriting is terrible!) Here's what I've been up to recently...
Celebrating a friend’s success!
Tina Shingler and I first met many years ago as members of Ripon Writers’ Group and her work has always impressed me. Struggling with the hair that is so much a part of Tina’s identity is a thread that runs through the new book. but there is far more to it than that. Growing up as almost the only non-white child in a small rural community was a tough start in life, but Tina’s intelligence and determination led her into a career that has included teaching in Florence and working at the Italian Embassy in Washington D.C.
Needless to say, I was delighted to attend the launch at the Little Ripon Bookshop and lay my hands on a copy of Hair Apparent. It’s a great title and a cracking read!
13 December, 2024 - Make the first comment on this story