Hello, and thank you for visiting my site. I hope that you'll return often and always find something of interest about my world and what inspires me to pick up a pen. (This is a figure of speech, unfortunately. My handwriting is terrible!) Here's what I've been up to recently...
The Magnificent Magpie
This latest story of mine to appear in a TPF fiction special was inspired by an anecdote I heard in France a few years ago.
On holiday in Charente-Maritime, I was invited for afternoon tea – very British – by some ex-pats who had set up home in the village and they told me about a cheeky magpie that had helped itself for a long time to anything it fancied. Exasperated market stallholders and shopkeepers were all for having it shot, but the Brits – more sentimental about our fellow creatures – decided to trap it humanely in a large box and transport it somewhere out of harm’s way.
The plan seemed to have backfired when their cat followed the magpie into the box, but the result was one that no one could have predicted. They both shot out again, with the magpie in hot pursuit of the cat, which ran for its life.
From this true story, I was able to ’embroider’ a tale of romance between neighbours. To fit the requirements of the magazine, my original has been quite heavily edited, but I’d be very happy to pass on a copy of the original to anyone interested.
9 May, 2019 - There are 2 comments on this story
Hi Maggie, I would love to read the full story, if you have the time to send it to me.
Many thanks,
Gayda Jackson - May 9th, 2019
Certainly will, Gayda. Should be on its way to you by this evening.
Maggie Cobbett - May 9th, 2019